Juvenile Crimes

Chicago Juvenile Lawyer Defense Attorneys

Helping Juveniles with Criminal Charges in Chicago, Illinois

Criminal charges brought against a juvenile can wreak havoc on the juvenile and his family. If you are the parent of a juvenile who has been accused of a crime in Chicago, Cook, Lake, DuPage and Will Counties both you and your son or daughter are probably confused, frightened, and distressed. As a parent, you may be wondering how best to deal with such a situation. As Chicago juvenile lawyers, The Law Offices of Lawrence Wolf Levin can provide the legal counsel your child needs at such a difficult time. Their job is to guide your child through the juvenile justice system, acting as his or her advocate, protecting his or her rights, and using their legal experience. They understand what a critical role this experience will play in your child’s future. A juvenile criminal adjudication can negatively impact a young life, risking future educational and career opportunities.

Juvenile Crimes in Illinois

If your child is involved in a juvenile delinquency case that means he or he is accused of breaking the law. The court can make orders that let your child live with you under court supervision or put your child in an unlocked or locked facility. The court will consider how old your child is, how serious the crime is, and the child’s criminal record if any. A child may be charged with offenses based on his or her age, such as underage drinking or charged with crimes that adults commit, such as petty theft, vandalism, graffiti, weapons charges, auto theft, burglary, robbery, crimes and sex crimes. A child over a certain age can be tried as an adult for some very violent and serious crimes. There are big differences between juvenile court and adult court.

Your child can be put on probation. He or he may have to live in a group home or ranch camp. Your child can be sent to the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Division of Juvenile Justice also called DJJ. If your child is tried in adult court, he or he will be sent to the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Division of Adult Operations also called CDC. Contact The Law Offices of Lawrence Wolf Levin for tough criminal defense today.

Contact a Chicago juvenile crime attorney at The Law Offices of Lawrence Wolf Levin today!  Get a juvenile lawyer with experience when it counts.

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